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Sneak Video Peek of 'Jigsaw And The Fan' With Author Stewart Bint

Travel inside Stewart Bint's book, and take a peek at what's in store.

Novelist Stewart Bint is a former broadcaster and PR writer, with four published novels and a collection of short stories. Now semi-retired, he devotes just a few hours each day to his new novel. He's married with two grown up children and a charismatic budgie called Bertie.

Quirky fact: Stewart Bint usually goes barefoot, and is a member of Barefoot Living UK.


To Follow Stewart Bint On Social Media:


Twitter: @AuthorSJB


Albert Carter has died, and finds himself in the spirit world to get sorted out at St. Christopher’s gates. Having been a successful shop steward picketing the management of Jebson’s Glue Factory on behalf of his colleagues, he feels confident his final destination is Heaven, with the rest of the decent, honest working class.

However, upon his arrival to St. Christopher’s Doomsday Ministry, an inspectors’ strike causes all spirits in transit to be temporarily relegated to Earth as ghosts until negotiations can be met.

Albert’s ghostly assignment is his worst nightmare: a wealthy lord’s manor which operates on the hard-earned wages of his own class.

Immediately upon arrival he decides to ruin the capitalist family and begins his unlawful haunting as the Ghost of Marlston Manor. Watching him from the heavens is a host of guardian angels, elders, overlords, and scribes—all scrambling to undo the havoc that Albert is blunderingly creating in his short stint as a ghost.

The final straw comes as Albert riles up a “fright” of ghosts to collude and protest their sentences on Earth—and Albert finally faces St. Christopher.

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